Professore/Professoressa ordinario/a

Strutture di riferimento

Struttura di afferenza: 
Dipartimento di Psicologia
Struttura di appartenenza: 
Dipartimento di Psicologia

Attività didattica

Attività scientifica

My research focuses on four main areas: 1) work-family balance; 2) well-being related to work, job insecurity and fourth industrial revolution; 3) leadership, followership, entrepreneurship; 4) vocational guidance and adult education (organizational behavior).

The study of gender differences is a cross-cutting approach to my research axes.


2021-2025: Member of the Unito Team in the project MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans),  funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543. 

2017-2019: research supervision of Work Psychology and Organization activities in the project HuManS (leader: Comau; partners FCAFPT IndustrialCRFHTCEICASROBOXREGOLADMDNOVASISPOLI MODELPRO LOGICMGM ROBOTICSPOLITOUNITOCNR-IEIIT). The HuManS project has the fundamental objective of realising a new manufacturing paradigm in which the human operator will be at the centre of the production system, through new technical solutions that allow highly complex operations to be performed with safe and effective interaction between humans, machines and workstations. The HuManS project is financed within the framework of the call for proposals Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Platform - POR FESR 2014/2020.

2017-2019: Scientific coordinator of the MovaB project (OPHS Methodology - Common Organ Health and Safety - for the evaluation of the organizational wellbeing in the FCA and IVECO factories), financed by IVECO and FCA: the project aims to build a methodology identifying the dynamics of work in the production company (agreement with the Department of Psychology, University of Turin).

2017-2019: Member of the team of the University of Turin in the project Jump - Juggling on maternity and profession (leader: Ufficio Pio Compagnia di San Paolo, Erasmus +).

2015-2018: Member of the Italian Horizon 2020 Except project team ( the project aims to deepen understanding of the dynamics of insecurity youth employment in nine European countries. 

2017-2018: Scientific and pedagogical lead of the IRIDI project, aimed at developing and strengthening academic teaching (University of Turin;

2014-2018: Scientific supervisor in different ActionAid projects in Piedmont region (Italy).